How Video Games are Made

man playing lightsaber video game in vr

Imagine creating a vast digital world with vividly colored landscapes, complex characters, and intricate interactive elements. Step into the realm of video game development. Have you ever asked yourself: how are games made?

What is the Best Way to Experience VR? Headset Vs VR Dome?

Explore the best way to experience Virtual Reality: VR headset or VR dome? Discover the advantages of each, from immersive, personal headset experiences to shared, panoramic VR domes that bring audiences together. Dive into the latest advancements and future possibilities in VR with Lumen & Forge.

Photogrammetry – History and Modern Uses

Digital mapping projection plan for Tropicana Las Vegas, displaying a colorful checkerboard design on the building's facade.

Uncover the fascinating history and modern applications of photogrammetry, the art and science of creating precise measurements from photographs. From its origins in Leonardo da Vinci’s studies on perspective to its role in groundbreaking technology like 3D rendering and immersive events, photogrammetry has revolutionized industries including mapping, real estate, and video game development. Learn how Lumen and Forge uses photogrammetry to bring immersive experiences to life with unparalleled accuracy and efficiency.